(9781910561393 / 44917736) - Dimensions: 264 x 188 x 13 mm - ISBN: 9781910561393 - Number of pages: 216 - Guinness World Records Limited - Weight: 577 g | Gamer's Edition!
(9781910561614) - Dimensions: 264 x 189 x 13 mm - ISBN: 9781910561614 - Number of pages: 216 - Guinness World Records Limited - Weight: 582 g
(9781910561737 / 48390522) - Dimensions: 262 x 189 x 12 mm - ISBN: 9781910561737 - Number of pages: 216 - Guinness World Records Limited - Weight: 584 g | Real-life videogame, Fastest videogame, Gaming heroes & Videogame stars
