Antlion Audio (0784682975039 / MODMIC) - Uni-Directional with Mute - Antlion Audio - Package size: 2.6 x 1.6 x 1.6 inches | Wireless Headphones
Mod Mic is the perfect way to turn your high-quality Hi Fi headphones into a full game headset. For users with headsets who never dream of dealing with the traps of a handset approved by the player, the Mod Mic has come to save the day.
Antlion Audio. Generally, if you don't need noise suppression/cancelling, go with the Omni-directional.
The omnidirectional capsule offers a better response in frequency and sensitivity than the unidirectional capsule, but it does not offer so much noise cancellation. You will need the latest firmware update. Boom: maximum length of 175mm, very fl