Bloomsbury Children's Books (9781526615343)
Bloomsbury Children's Books (9781526615336)
Hyperion Books for Children (9781423120292) | Jonas Brothers
Templar Publishing (9781787416253) - People & places (Children's/YA) - Templar Publishing - ISBN: 9781787416253 - Pages: 128 pages | Anthology of Amazing Women
Wren & Rook (9781526364104)
(9781509839674) - David Roberts - Main Market Ed. - Two Hoots - Pan Macmillan - In Print - Country of publication: UNITED KINGDOM - Dimensions: 303 x 242 x 19 mm - Height: 303mm - Spine width: 19mm - Width: 241mm | Battle for Equality
(9781787476523) - Ben Brooks - Quercus - London, United Kingdom - Quercus Publishing - Dimensions: 252 x 197 x 25 mm - Format: 208 pages - Height: 198 mm - Spine width: 23 mm - Width: 251 mm - ISBN: 9781787476523 | Boys and girls
Icon Books (9781785785184) | Second World War, Griezmann Paperback
(9781474916165) - Dimensions: 188 x 240 x 20mm | 486g - Format: 96 pages - ISBN: 9781474916165 - Languages: English - London, United Kingdom - Usborne Publishing Ltd
Naxos AudioBooks (9781843795469)
(9781909881808) - Dimensions: 189 x 246 x 20mm | 770g - Format: Hardback | 160 pages - Publication date: 01 Aug 2016 - Height: 199 mm - Spine width: 21 mm - Width: 254 mm - National Trust Books - London, United Kingdom | Her books
Timber Press (9781604693638 / Illustrations) - Dimensions: 168 x 206 x 26mm | 759.99g - Format: Hardback | 339 pages - Publication date: 05 Nov 2013 - ISBN: 9781604693638 - Languages: English - Publication place: Portland, OR, United States
imusti (9780751557510 / 9780751557510) - Personal & social issues - Little, Brown Book Group - ISBN: 9780751557510 - Pages: 352 pages
(9780007444397 / 9780062213426) | Album and releasing
Franklin Watts Ltd (9781445145464)
(9780141973159) | Living under The Nazi, Anne Frank, Diary of her, Secret annexe
Wayland (Publishers) Ltd (9780750295918)
Stories of Women During the Industrial Revolution: Changing Roles.
(9780857533241) | Nobby lady' s unmentionables
(9781471161193) - Country of publication: UNITED KINGDOM - Dimensions: 234 x 153 mm - Edition: 1 - ISBN: 9781471161193 - Number of pages: 208 - Format: 208 pages - Simon & Schuster Childrens Books - London, United Kingdom
Pushkin Children's Books (9781782690597 / Full-colour illustrations throughout.) - First edition - Pushkin Children's Books - Height: 245 mm - Spine width: 10 mm - Width: 316 mm - ISBN: 9781782690597
Sphere (9780751563399 / Section: 16, B&W) - Dimensions: 129 x 195 x 27mm | 285g - Digital original - Sphere - London, United Kingdom - Little, Brown Book Group - Format: 384 pages - ISBN: 9780751563399 | Rogue Trader
(9781848892811) - Biography: historical, political & military - The Collins Press - ISBN: 9781848892811 - Pages: 96 pages
(9780062128454 / 35203307) - Height: 193 mm - Spine width: 26 mm - Width: 239 mm - HarperCollins Children's Books - HarperCollins - ISBN: 9780062128454 - Number of pages: 276 - Languages: English - Weight: 950 g
The Ivy Press (9781782402282 / 300 colour illustrations) - Country of publication: UNITED KINGDOM - Dimensions: (H) 303mm, (W) 256mm, (D) 12mm - The Ivy Press - Ivy Kids - Quarto Library - In Print - ISBN: 9781782402282
(9780571226160) - Sylvia Plath - Faber and Faber - Dimensions: 19.0cm x 12.0cm - ISBN: 9780571226160 - Publish date: 02/06/2005
Naxos AudioBooks (9781843796909) - Dimensions: 12.2cm x 14.5cm - ISBN: 9781843796909 - Publish date: 30/09/2013 - Naxos AudioBooks
